Despite the lack of definitions in the sector, most brand owners and freelance PR consultants are beginning to take their online presence seriously. There’s little doubt over the power and accelerating popularity of Internet sites that allow consumers to share views and experiences about products and services.
This has accelerated with the growth in Internet usage, and media consumption has shifted to the mobile and the web. The first few search results on google build or destroy brand reputations. I can help you navigate this tricky area.
it’s a Socially-Networked World
“Social computing is not a fad. Nor is it something that will pass you or your company by. Gradually, social computing will impact almost every role, at every kind of company, in all parts of the world.”
Forrester Research, Social Computing – How Networks Erode Institutional Power, and What to do About it
The web has revolutionised the way brands and freelance PR consultants communicate with their audiences.
The modern consumer wields a great deal of power. People are talking constantly about brands on the Internet, and information travels fast. They write about experiences, and search engines then aggregate these opinions.
Conversations are going on about brands on a daily basis. The most powerful and trusted behaviour changer in existence is peer to peer communications. This is why many marketers and brand owners are recognising the value of this form of direct engagement.
Technology and social change have shifted the traditional power-base, taking control away from traditional media owners and placing consumers at the centre.
Participatory web tools and services aggregate information, shifting consumers from being ‘end-users’ to active participants in content, and therefore knowledge creation.
People talk about shared interests, which form a unified collective intelligence that has reorganised the relationship between producers and consumers.
The End of Mass Marketing?
Mass marketing is becoming an outdated concept. Traditional approaches to understanding customers and communicating with them are inadequate to form a relationship with the individualistic, wary and discerning Internet-savvy consumer.
The transition from marketing to collaborating means that the discipline will need to appeal to attitudes and emotions rather than demographics. Social media is incredibly powerful.
Whether you’re looking to raise awareness of your brand or shift negative comments from the first couple of pages of Google, I can help. As a UK freelance PR consultant, I can integrate digital PR strategy into an existing PR campaign, or delivering a standalone social media project.
There are many PR and marketing campaigns that would benefit from a digital strategy to reach new audiences in a more meaningful way. Consumers are looking for a ‘one-to-one’ authentic engagement.
Social media is now a mainstream phenomenon. It allows never seen before opportunities for building brand awareness, reputation management, and product evangelism.
For the first time, brands come alive, from a viral video on YouTube, to a CRM campaign on Twitter. I can advise you how best to listen, respond, and engage with your audience in a whole host of new and exciting ways.
Digitally Obsessed
I come up with a digital strategy and work with you on your SEO. I can produce quality video and audio content to help promote you or your brand across diverse media channels.
Your brand is no longer represented only on your website, amplified by blog posts and comments, customer reviews, forums and microblogging. Everyone who works on your business is potentially a brand ambassador – wherever and whoever they’re speaking to.
My Services include…
Online PR
I help tailor your message, tone of voice, and content to help achieve your desired effect, whoever you’re looking to engage with. I then analyse what’s said that might affect your brand.
Crisis Management
There is no editorial compass to substantiate fact from fiction on the Internet. Opinion is sold as objective fact. Due to the replicating nature of the media, the negative views of a vocal minority can easily be mistaken as fact.
We can help you to both address misinformation and inaccuracies, or advise you on the best way to handle your brand detractors.
Social media news releases
Blogger outreach
Word-of-mouth campaigns
Online competitions and promotions
Websites & Blogs
Cost-effective SEO optimised website design and build
Campaign microsites
Blog strategy, creation and training
Content Creation and seeding
Video production
Event photography
Issues monitoring
Brand and buzz monitoring
Blog monitoring
Brand audits
Social media / digital workshops